Rocket Day speaker #5: Consuela Nicula

It’s time to announce our 5th speaker. Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce you to Consuela Nicula, CPO at Immoweb! She’ll join us at our headquarters in Brussels on the 6th of May and will give us an impactful talk about her experience at Immoweb and her career. Now let’s get to know Consuela a bit better.

Who is Consuela?

Consuela describes herself as ambitious, motivated, hard-working, creative, determined, and eager to learn and evolve. She’s been in the product and tech world for over around 10 years. She has worked in the biggest companies in Belgium, such as BNP Paribas, Proximus, and Kunstmaan, just to name a few.

Consuela started to be very ambitious in life. As a little girl in Romania, from the age of 4, she fell in love with competitive dancing. She has even been a champion of this sport. She has represented Belgium at the World DanceSport Championships. Consuela also loves teaching dance. She has taught and still does teach Latin dance and other dancing lessons. 

Want to be more impressed? She has worked as a make-up artist for a period of time. She learned how to do make-up to help her with dance since she had to do her hair and make-up at shows and competitions. Consuela is a perfectionist. Besides that, she worked as a freelance make-up artist at MAC Cosmetics and Makeup Forever. 

She’s not your typical CPO. Consuela has learned her career by doing. Dancing has allowed her to get skills that have been very helpful in her product career. It has taught her respect. Thanks to dancing, she developed her team spirit skills. Dancing required her to collaborate with someone else to make sure what was portrayed on stage was perfect and looked good. It also made her very disciplined. She had to learn how to organise her time, find time to train, train very hard and invest her time in developing her dancing skills. Dancing gave her the foundation for her life today.

During her studies, she worked in customer service in a fitness center. This experience allowed her to get skills in managing customers and sales. She speaks 7 languages. She did little translation jobs as well. Her career has evolved with the help of different projects and missions she was given. Consuela studied communication science at the VUB. After dedicating a lot of her time to dancing and make-up, she decided to get an office job with more fixed hours that would allow her to organise her time better. She continued sport dancing and make-up during her free time or in the evening after her office job. 

Consuela first started working in communications. She then worked in marketing and digital marketing, which opened the doors of product management. Consuela is very adaptable. She continually invests 100% in improving the product she works in. 

Consuela has been a part of the Immoweb team for the past four years, first as a ​​product owner. She’s now the chief product officer. In addition, Consuela is a coach and a professor. She helps her team to improve their skills and exceed expectations. As a management team member, she’s leading three teams of creatives, product owners, and researchers focused on collecting and understanding customer insights to drive product decisions. She aims to increase and improve product experience based on qualitative and quantitative data. Ultimately, she’s been helping the IT team and company reach the company vision and work together as a team to build the best products and services for our customers. 

Consuela’s passion for her job, positive attitude, and competences make her a fantastic asset for any team she’s part of. What she loves the most about working on a product is problem-solving. She’s someone that loved being challenged since she was very young. She’s geeky and techy, to begin with. She’s always loved playing with legos and Pacman when she was a little girl. She also loved playing with phones - repairing screens, decomposing the machines, and fixing problems and bugs. That’s what she loves about working in product. It’s solving the problem that a user faces and coming up with a solution to make their life easier. Consuela’s focus is to make the customer journey easy and work at the impact a product can have in the market. 

What is Immoweb?

Immoweb is the most popular real estate website in Belgium. The website counts over 600,000 visits per day, 150,000 online properties, and more than 100 employees. For over 25 years, Immoweb has been the most extensive online real estate website in Belgium where buyers and sellers, tenants, and owners can meet. Immoweb is an essential tool for any Belgian who’s looking to sell/rent a property. The website offers a wide range of real estate: houses, apartments, building plots, garages, offices, shops, and industrial buildings. 

Her motto

Learn by doing

About the event

The Rocket Day event on the 6th of May is our first-ever event to empower the product people community. Our event will feature aspiring product leaders who will be speaking on a range of challenging topics around their craft. It will be a valuable and impactful experience to skyrocket your product management career. Learn all about our event by clicking here.

The event will occur at our headquarters, 350 Avenue Louise, 8th Floor in 1050 Brussels. You’ll also be able to follow it online. RSVP here to attend it in-person or online to get all the information about it.

The good news? It’s totally free! 

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